Add typing animations to your website with TypeIt

TypeIt creates the illusion that text is typing itself out on your webpage. I used this jQuery plugin in my consulting website and I’ll likely use it again in the future. Here is a tutorial on how use TypeIt.

It is easy to implement TypeIt. All you need to do is reference jQuery and the TypeIt Javascript file in your HTML file like so:

<script src=""></script> 

<script src=""></script>

Once your webpage has those references all you need to do is assign the typeIt function to one of the elements on your page with the following code:

<p id="element">
Type this text!

 // options

See this code live here:

The code above demonstrates the most basic TypeIt animation possible. There are a number of ways you can customize TypeIt. Checkout the following documentation to change the speed of the animation, delete text, and more:  TypeIt Docs.

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